Saturday, 25 December 2004
0700 SW F2 35km - SKC T014D-001
RMK: Moon (?full) just sinking from a clear sky: ground damp (NOT
frozen), and grass min hovering around zero - should go a bit lower
before 09Z=
0900 SW F3 25km - 1/CI T010D-013
RMK: Patch dense cirrus (CI) to SW ob time, though some signs of a
layer invading sky now as I type this. Very patchy/light hoar frost
deposit on grass, cars etc.
screen min: 01.0 grass min: -00.5 precipitation: tr
other data: further very light rain early yesterday evening = trace.]=
1200 SSW F3 30km - 7/AS //CI T039D002
RMK: cloud increased since ~1030Z; mainly cirriform initially, but some
thicker medium level now which has all the appearance of AS - aircraft
departing LHR has just climbed into it at around 8000ft towards the SW -
the direction of lowest cloud base. Wind really F2, ocnl F3=
1240 SSW F3 35km - 1/AC 4/AS 7/CS
RMK: No, we've missed the boat on any PPN from that lot - the AS is on
the way out, retreating away to the east, and the CS is thinning out -
sun increasingly shining through it (though 8 oktas)=
1800 WNW F2 28km - 1/AC T010D-010
RMK: a perfect end to the day - fine clear evening.
[ DAYTIME DATA (09Z - 18Z):
screen max: 04.5 precipitation: NIL]=
Martin Rowley: data via -
Bracknell (Wooden Hill/Tawfield), Berkshire
NGR: SU 854 667 Elev: 80m
Lat: 51DEG23MIN30SEC(N): Long: 00DEG46MIN28SEC(W)