On Jun 26, 6:49*pm, " cupra" wrote:
Looks like the straw that broke the camel's back, good on 'em!
I particularly found this part poignant
"The Met Office is a world leader in meteorological science and our
forecasts are recognised the world over as some of the best in the
world. We are proud to be trusted to give the best possible guidance
on the weather by the public and we report the weather exactly as it
Especially in the light of the 3 month forecast for April, May and
June , issued on the 23rd March. Mind you to be fair to the "world
leader in meteorological science " it was seven days away.
The other part that caught my eye was
"The inference – through the lack of reference to the original source
of the forecasts – that these forecasts have come from the Met Office
is very misleading for the public, and potentially damages the
reputation not only of the Met Office".
Oh er, ducky's , I don't think you need any help in the 'damaged
reputation' stakes.
Very good at AGW forecasts though, anything from 20 to 200 years into
the future, now that is amazing.