Weather flat lining
On 03/07/2012 00:45, Dave Cornwell wrote:
Well at least according to the latest GFS 850hPa ensembles. A
horizontal line at +5C from now till July 18th with all members
agreeing. Wonder what that means in reality?
Sadly, about as much as it meant a few days ago when the "Hampshire"
spaghetti showed a number of "members" with 850 hPa temperatures above
15C and surface temperatures peaking above 25C. The words "on" and
"dream" spring to mind...
Now, if those ensembles can hold consistently for a few days that might
be another story. But the last few months have been notable for the
wild unpredictability of the weather at any great timescale. If that is
going to change, at least we could hope that the weather might "lock"
into a type a bit more summery than we have been "enjoying".
- Yokel -
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