Originally Posted by Keith Harris
I keep looking for glimmers of hope in the models but there is none.
Looks like the coming week is going to be stuck with this low over us
leading to showers and possible afternoon storms. Yesterday showed a
ridge, but this morning it's more of a cyclonic circulation. I just
haven't been able to plan a clear week ahead since March.
I think I need to go to Spain if I want any sunshine this year as this
summer is dire, better start walking now then !
Keith (Southend)
"Weather Home & Abroad"
I am aware that this reply is not completely relevant to the matter under discussion. But there is a tenuous link so here goes. First, I "got into" Weather Banter because my anemometer needs repairing and I'm finding the job difficult; joined hoping someone can help and that's all in order and going nicely. Hopefully the Munro MK4 will soon be back in action. But why am I here on this thread? ....
I see that there seems to some focus on East Anglian weather. I'm a meteorologist livving in Lowestoft. Also, know a person called David Cornwell. I saw David a short while ago in Southwold but didn't have a chance to chat. Seeing nearly the same name as the author of this thread, I wonder if the David Cornwell I see at yearly reunions down at the Old Cheshire Cheese is the same person as the Weather Banter person in charge of this thread. If so, please make contact, I'd be pleased to be able to have a chat before next Christmas. If not, do you know how to get the top bearing out of my Munro MK4A anemometer so I can get the thing working again?
All the best,
Brian Littlewood