"Adam Lea" wrote in message
On 07/07/12 23:27, Dave Cornwell wrote:
Metman2012 wrote:
On 07/07/2012 20:44, Dave Cornwell wrote:
Lawrence13 wrote:
Rain Warnings for the south east
I've been out the garden for the last three hours -is my life at risk?
They really are becoming idiots. Flooding I can understand but rain
and a warning that the ground might get wet. Surely this is one big
joke to see how far they can get away with.
Absolutely tripe and the forecast was crap as well with a couple of
spots hitying me in the garden-should I go to A&E? Oh dear what a
dangerous life I lead.
Anyone from abroad seeing those -at the drop of a hat- weather
warnings would think Britain is in serious trouble.
I must admit I had been expecting some rain today mainly based on
looking at the radar. Not a drop though and only 6mm since it all
started. In fact I noticed the ground was very dry on the Essex marshes
when I went for a walk.
Dave, S.Essex
Well the melodramatic twaddle has resulted in our village fair (the
Revels) being cancelled. The Creedy is flowing across the field which
would be the car park, and the rec has standing pools of water.
However, that's not as bad as the many people who've been flooded out
(some again). Warnings pretty much spot on here.
Newton St Cyres
Yes I agree most of them were very accurate and useful. It just happened
that the South East corner which was not in a high risk area virtually
missed the rain altogether.
Here in Horsham it is certainly coming down. I'm supposed to be helping
out at a community allotment project tomorrow afternoon, I'm going to need
Wellington boots at this rate.##
If anybody like me was in Hertford this morning there was very serious
possibility of being washed away as continous and extremely heavy showers
hit the town between 1030-1200 noon. I'd estimate around 30mm fell in that
time ,so would like to know if anybody in that area has a rain gauge ??