"Lawrence13" wrote in message
Rain Warnings for the south east
I've been out the garden for the last three hours -is my life at risk?
They really are becoming idiots. Flooding I can understand but rain
and a warning that the ground might get wet. Surely this is one big
joke to see how far they can get away with.
Absolutely tripe and the forecast was crap as well with a couple of
spots hitying me in the garden-should I go to A&E? Oh dear what a
dangerous life I lead.
Anyone from abroad seeing those -at the drop of a hat- weather
warnings would think Britain is in serious trouble.
"The public should be aware of the possibility of surface water flooding
and some disruption to travel and outdoor activities."
There, that's it.
No mention of getting injured or having to take any action, it is, after
all, just a yellow warning. A warning of the possibility of disruption
and according to various accounts here, the forecast was pretty much
spot on.
I think it is you Lawrence, who is being melodramatic.
Bolton, Lancashire
160m asl