[WR] Sunderland 08.07.12 Miserable!
Weather observation - Sunderland, Tyne & Wear 25m ASL
OS X (Eastings) 40944
OS Y (Northings) 54059
Lat (WGS84) N54:52:46 (54.879323)
Long (WGS84) W1:21:48 (-1.363282)
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Here on the coast it remained foggy for most of Saturday, although a journey a few miles inland to Durham and it looked as though the sun was going to be successful in burning through. There was a one-day international cricket match at nearby Chester-le-Street, so presumably the fog had lifted there..
Sunday has dawned overcast and rain is forecast. This has to be the most miserable summer I can ever recall. Don't know whether we should be shouting: "Come on Andy!" or "Come on summer!"
Regards... David Allan.
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Current data for Ryhope Grange, Sunderland
08 July 2012 08:16
Temperature (°C):
Current 13.4
Trend (per hour) +0.3
Average today 12.9
Wind chill 13.3
Heat Index 13.4
Dew Point 13.3
Rel Humidity 99%
Wind (mph):
Current Gust 6.0 NE
Average Speed 3.9 NE
Rainfall (mm):
Current rate 0.0
Last hour 0.0
Total today 0.3
Total yesterday 0.3
Total this month 18.0
Pressure (mb):
Current 1007.5
Trend (per hour) -0.2