In article ,
Col writes:
Adam Lea wrote:
On 08/07/12 00:35, Lawrence13 wrote:
It's driving me mad it's
&*^%king rain for GODS SAKE
You know something, it is becoming very apparent why Dawlish hated you
so much. You really are a nasty, bitter, warped individual who's
dragging the quality of this newsgroup down imo. Perhaps you should
follow in his footsteps and take a long retirement.
I certainly wouldn't go that far but Lawrence's incessant critcism of
everything and anything the Met Ofice says or does is now more
than a little tiresome.
And his undoubted good humour can no longer mask this.
Agreed. I like Lawrence, but I have become fed up with his seeming
inability recently to post about anything other than how dreadful the
Met Office is.
I don't want this group to become effectively a group in the
uk.politics.* hierarchy under another name. As the group's much-ignored
charter says: "Any discussion of climate issues should be from a
scientific standpoint and not a political (or environmental-activist)
John Hall
Johnson: "Well, we had a good talk."
Boswell: "Yes, Sir, you tossed and gored several persons."
Dr Samuel Johnson (1709-84); James Boswell (1740-95)