[OBS] Romsey - Wednesday 11th July 2012
Two back to back power showers this morning, the first
0838-0845Z and the second 0905-0910Z contributing to
much of the 6.1mm of rain that has fallen this morning.
No measurable rain since with quite a lot of sunshine but
there are a succession of Cb's passing to our south and
the cell to the SE has fired off some thunder at 1145Z
and 1148Z.
SYNOP 11/1150Z (current ob)
03/// 11458 52609 10161 20128 40109 58006 60061 71781
84963 333 81712 82918 83072=
EG// 111150Z 26009KT 8000 TS FEW012 FEW018CB
SCT220 16/13 Q//// BLU=
wind... W by S, force 3.
visibility... 8km.
weather... partly cloudy with thunder heard (slight shower
clouds... 1/8 St 1200ft, 2/8 Cb 1800ft, 2/8 Cu 2200ft,
2/8 Sc 4500ft, 1/8 Ac 12000ft, 3/8 Ci 22000ft.
dry bulb... +16.1C.
dew point... +12.8C.
RH... 81%.
sea level pressure... 1010.9mb (slow fall).
rainfall last hour... trace.
6 hour rainfall (0600-1200Z)... 6.1mm.
beaufort letters (1050-1150Z)... bcjp,bcpro,bctlo.
Nigel (Romsey, Hampshire)
40m amsl