You couldn't make it up!
On Saturday, July 28, 2012 11:56:12 AM UTC+1, Lawrence13 wrote:
Corbin got the 'deluge ' part wrong not the precipitation
The 'deluge' part was the most important bit. He reckoned it would be a washout.
Moreover, in summer in London the precipitation state at any one time is pretty much rain / not rain. A 50/50 shot - which does not represent any sort of predictive skill. And it's fantastical to suggest that a passing shower verifies a forecast of a deluge or washout.
On the other hand, as I mentioned previously, meteorologists, including the Met Office, had (a good while in advance) forecast that Friday 27th would see a breakdown in London's hot, sunny weather with a risk of passing showers. These were forecasts that verified rather well.
Hat tip to the models and to meteorologists' interpretation thereof, I'd say.