You couldn't make it up!
Weatherlawyer wrote:
On Saturday, 28 July 2012 21:53:57 UTC+1, Dave Cornwell wrote:
Yes I agree, my local forecast for the week issued last Sunday
Corbyn could claim a partial success wiith a slight timing error
You effing moron.
You gave a forecast that was wishy washy?
Like the MetOffices' humble attempt to put the Olympics on a schedule to miss the bad weather?
And you only got it out last week?
I am not surprised he has nothing to do with the lot of you.
You do realise your bacon was saved by Saola I hope. Because when those two China Sea storms reach cyclosis you will have some more rain.
That's where his deluge went and if the Met Office saw them coming I'm a China clipper.
There was nothing on the MetO charts to indicate even the first of them until noon on the 28th and we not allowed into the inner sanctum got to see that when, may I ask?
You all want your arses kicking. And I am not talking about a none too gentle nudge either! You self congratulatory blighters.
(I am trying to be nice. That's why I substituted the word blighters for *******s.)
Yes it was hopeless Michael. The 29.8C recorded here on Wednesday was
0.2C out. Awful for a four day out forecast. Must try harder.