Same planet different world
In article ,
Lawrence writes:
Tom Presutti 26/12/2004 posted on TWO
I have to say have you ever heard such piffle
"For the first time in 4 years, we had a snowfall to be able to get out and
get the sledge out..It's been amazing here, sledging down the hill, falling
into frozen streams, with the full moon lighting up the snow fields, another
astonishing day to conbine with the absolutely incredible white xmas.I have
no right to expect anything else out of this winter, and I won't.. I've had
my lot. I'll never forget this winter ever... "
"I'll never forget this winter ever....
Seems fair enough to me. He's not talking about the severity of the
conditions, just about the beauty of it and the impact that that had on
him. I can understand that. There's nothing to beat a full moon shining
on a snow cover.
As to where he lives, there are quite a few places in the western side
of the country that he could be.
John Hall
"Whenever people agree with me I always feel I must be wrong."
Oscar Wilde