Same planet different world
Well I've just sprung back into action and in hindsight maybe I was unfair
to Tom with last nights post.
I suppose what I was trying to convey was Tom reacting as if it was a winter
of a lifetime, there was a tad of snowfall in some areas West and North West
mainly. It was interesting watching Match of the Day yesterday evening and
seeing some snow on the pitch periphery at Ewood Park Blackburn in
Back to Tom okay I was a little harsh, but I couldn't help but get this
feeling of making the event far more than what it was-a cold snap. The
objectivity of observations and statistical evidence will show that the
Heralded "Snow Event" did'nt really amount to much. The only thing that
makes it a little bit special was the fact it was Christmas Eve and day that
some light snow fell. It would seem where Tom lives there was plenty. Where
does Tom live? He doesn't live near Miguel, does he? That would explain
"Lawrence" wrote in message
Tom Presutti 26/12/2004 posted on TWO
I have to say have you ever heard such piffle
"For the first time in 4 years, we had a snowfall to be able to get out
and get the sledge out..It's been amazing here, sledging down the hill,
falling into frozen streams, with the full moon lighting up the snow
fields, another astonishing day to conbine with the absolutely incredible
white xmas.I have no right to expect anything else out of this winter, and
I won't.. I've had my lot. I'll never forget this winter ever... "
"I'll never forget this winter ever....
Well Tom the "old pal's act" eh? Trying to hype up a fluke 48 hr period of
cold weather......
making it out to be far more than it ever was. That sort of statement
reminds me of Robert Maxwell on the Wogan show in the mid 80's he said
quote "I want to be remembered as the man who saved the daily Mirror" As
he was saying those words the pension fund was disappearing.
Why won't you forget this winter Tom? Oh yes that's right it's the
severity of this prolonged cold spell.....don't make me laugh. it's
pathetic and dishonest to suggest as much
The joke is if you check his membership details on TWO they have him down
as living in Russia?
So where does Tom Presutti live to accumulate so much snow?