On Sun, 12 Aug 2012 03:39:15 -0700 (PDT)
Graham Easterling wrote:
On Saturday, August 11, 2012 9:47:49 PM UTC+1, Tudor Hughes wrote:
On Saturday, 11 August 2012 20:36:48 UTC+1, David Brown wrote:
"There is no clear signal for any particular weather type to
dominate through this period"........... for the last four weeks
this has been the mantra. What will it take to alter this phrase?
Are we really to believe that one of the world's foremost
meteorological organisations lacks the knowledge, or the
confidence, to make an informed prediction more than two weeks
into the future? This is fence-sitting on an industrial scale;
what do those of us who live in the UK pay our taxes for?
You pay your taxes so as not to be reliant on the likes of
Piers Corbyn and his bold, confident rubbish.
Fair enough, the trouble is it's drifting towards the Dawlish school
of forecasting (just wait until everything points in the same
direction). Perhaps best to drop forecasts so far out & concentrate
on the next few days.
Graham, I'm sorry but I don't see what the problem is. If the signs are
for no particular weather type to dominate, how is that any less of a
forecast than one that says there are signs that one particular type
will dominate? During a fortnight, it happens that particular types of
weather don't always dominate.
Graham Davis, Bracknell, Berks. E-mail: change 'boy' to 'man'
"A neighbour put his budgerigar in the mincing machine and invented
shredded tweet." - Chic Murray
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