Bizarre weather warning
On 15/08/2012 20:16, Norman wrote:
I see that there is still a yellow warning for heavy rain in force for the
North Midlands and the whole of the North of England, valid until midnight. The
warning was re-issued at 1707 this evening. It makes no sense. A glance at the
radar shows that the rain has already cleared all but the extreme NE of
England. It seems that the warning system doesn't include provision for
explicit cancellation of a warning or, if it does include such provision, it
isn't used. A warning for heavy rain this evening isn't particularly helpful to
Joe Public in this part of the country.
Do you think northerners don't deserve weather warnings or something?
The worst of the storm hit Teesside not long after 6pm and lasted for
about an hour - long enough to give a localised surface water flash
flooding. About an inch of rain fell driven with extreme force by strong
gusts of wind enough that water was bouncing out of my basic rain gauge
and being lost. Suprised there are not more trees down.
We had a Renault Espace with a blown engine bobbing up and down in the
local car trap on Tuesday last week. Serious rain is a problem here.
Main problem is with visibility and standing water on the trunk roads in
these sorts of conditions. They were right to issue the warning.
Martin Brown