A Warning for the curious
On Mon, 27 Dec 2004 20:35:59 -0000, Alastair McDonald wrote in
To put it more politely, there is a message on this newsgroup with the
title ":-) Love Gift for You (-:" which neither Lawrence nor I have read :-(
We both think it may be spam, or worse a virus, so we would like you
to open it and tell us what it says. I apologise for Lawrence's gruff
attitude and await your reply with eager anticipation.
I didn't see that post on either NIN or Plusnet, but did find it on the NTL
server (they filter nothing) in this news group.
Anyway it is just link to a religious website and has nothing to do with
the weather. So SPAM but not a virus.
Mike 55.13°N 6.69°W Coleraine posted to uk.sci.weather 27/12/2004 20:46:54 UTC