UKMO (Sub text AGW We're All Going to Die) Weather Warning SE
On Sunday, 26 August 2012 00:45:38 UTC+1, Richard Dixon wrote:
Lawrence13 wrote in
When my mother was rushed to Lewisham Hospital with septicaemia about
6 years ago she was so sick she didn't have a clue where she was two
African nurses came to her bed and grunted tried to manhandle her
upwards when she clearly couldn't stand let alone understand her
situation. As they manhandled her upwards to a standing position her
hospital gown was undone exposing her
Seeing as tiresome NHS-bashing is de rigueur these days: two lots of
angioplasty, successful treatment for advanced bladder cancer, triple
heart bypass last year, major operation to siphon out 4 pints of blood
from internal bleeding after he fell of our roof (not to mention a
hernia, a circumcision and having bits of wood removed from his arm
following a gardening accident). My Dad, 79, still with us. All thanks to
the NHS.
Over and out,
Personally my treatment by the NHS was awful but objectively the NHS have had some bashing and they deserved it. My now deceased ex father in law was proffesor of paediatrics a a major London hospital so when he developed his firts bout of bowel cancer on he's socialsit beliefs he insisted on going on the NHS I can tell you that didn't last too long.
Don't get me wrong though I'm not anti NHS what I am anti is lies and propaganda.
The MHS struggles to keep apace with exponential demands caused by growing elderly population, immigration and costly new treatments and drugs and add onto that litigation. It's also been terribly hampered by poor staff and as a consequence high levels of MRSA wich do not exist to anywhere near the high levels in the private sector. I apprecciate honesty I'd rather the NHS and the poltical spinners stoop making out every thing is so good. Those case of abject neglect-especially towards the elderly are facts not right wing opinions.