On Wed, 29 Aug 2012 18:10:40 +0100
James Brown wrote:
Looking at my weather station charts for today:
There was almost 2 mb sudden drop just before 0800 and then a few
hours later around 1300 a sudden 1mb rise. Not seen that before here.
How did that tie in with the weather? On the leading edge of the rain
yesterday afternoon, there was a line squall over southern
England noticeable on the radar. Passed through here just after lunch
with rain hosing against the windows for a short while. A neighbour's
SW-facing bedroom window was wide open at the time - as per usual - and
must have let a lot of rain in. Squall appeared to dissolve on reaching
Graham Davis, Bracknell, Berks. E-mail: change 'boy' to 'man'
"A neighbour put his budgerigar in the mincing machine and invented
shredded tweet." - Chic Murray
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