On Saturday, 1 September 2012 12:05:51 UTC+1, Graham P Davis wrote:
On Sat, 1 Sep 2012 03:20:38 -0700 (PDT)
haaark wrote:
Interesting flea facts:
Plymouth followed by Bristol are the most flea-ridden cities in the
country (year round humidity,mild winters, warm summers). They love
AGW and fitted carpets
The commonest flea on the dog is the cat flea. (Dogs will react to one
flea. Cats can be infested and hardly react).
Control of environmental stages-larvae and pupae on furniture and in
carpets- is far more effective than control on the animal.
Borax is a cheap and cheerful flea control- it dries out pupae and
larvae in the carpet.
In Bristol at any rate pet shop and supermarket flea cotrol products
are a waste of money. Get them from a vet.- I've got no axe to grind-
I'm retired!
I've had no pets myself but reckon I got one or two fleas from from
someone else's a few years ago. Kept washing bed-sheets and blankets
every day or so, spraying carpets and furniture with insecticide, and
eventually got rid of the sods. Baths didn't seem to be terribly
successful as they jumped off when I got in the water, waited patiently
whilst I soaked and jumped back on as soon as I was out! I haven't
petted another dog since.
Graham Davis, Bracknell, Berks. E-mail: change 'boy' to 'man'
"A neighbour put his budgerigar in the mincing machine and invented
shredded tweet." - Chic Murray
openSUSE Linux: http://www.opensuse.org/en/
As far as I understand dog and cat fleas prefer dogs and cats and only reluctantly try feed on humans. Also they do not live in bedding (that's bed bugs), nope they only jump on their mammal smorgasbord, to eat, then they jump off and go and live in the nooks and crannies of the flooring as they like to be out of sight. Usually where the carpets meet the skirting boards are a des-res for these little buggers, so these are the places to treat with proprietary sprays that also kill the eggs and flea larvae which are silvery little maggot type creatures that are just perceptible to the human -eye. I'm scratching as I type and of to the pet shop in a minute or two to get some. Yuck.
By the way bed bugs are thriving now in what we used to call the developed world. They are everywhere.