Bold Robin
jbm wrote:
Nothing to do with the weather, but continuing the bird theme, I thought
the bird lovers would be interested in this.
Throughout the summer, there has been a robin frequenting my garden, to
the point of almost over stepping the mark occasionally. One afternoon
it was perched on the back door step much to the dog's annoyance. On
another occasion while I was cutting back the hedge, it perched on the
rim of the wheelie bin next to me. I suspect it may have made its nest
in the ivy that grows up the back fence, so have left that well alone
all year. It will now get cut back during the winter.
This afternoon while I was cutting the lawn, I emptied the grass box
into the bin, only to turn round to find the feather brained little
critter perched on the handle of the mower. It still sat there as I
replaced the box, stood up and grabbed the handle, and only flew off
when I switched on the motor, to land on the wheelie bin again.
Has anyone else experienced such "close encounters"?
jim, Northampton
I thought you were going to say when it grabbed the handle that it
started to mow the lawn for you!
I have had many similar close encounters with Robins in my garden. I've
even had them feeding mealworms from my hand. They are very tame and
associate gardeners with disturbing the ground and thus revealing food.