On 13/09/2012 19:16, Graham Easterling wrote:
Lovely down at Sennen this morning. Air & sea temperature both around 17C, near calm conditions, unbroken sunshine (Sc well offshore kept dissipating as it approached)all with a smallish 4' or so but clean swell. http://penzanceweather.atspace.com/SeptSurf.html
No families now on weekdays, virtually all couples of various ages, from teens to 70s coming for the surf. Change in the car park to keep sand off the wetsuit. None of the horrors of September coach trips at Sennen - no parking for them.
Nice to be free of the August madness. Looking good for the next few days.
Very dry month so far.
Unbroken, strong sunshine from dawn until 18:00 today, and a maximum of
Mind you, as hot as the sun was today, the UV is dropping off and it
only reached a maximum of 5.1.
Recent cool nights have made an impact on the SSTs in Lyme Bay despite
the sunshine, currently around 17.2°C. Whereas a week ago they were 18°C
to 19°C.
It's gone quiet here too down on the beaches after a very busy (and
sunny/warm) peak season. An air of calm has descended once again now the
school term has started.
Nick G
Otter Valley, Devon
20 m amsl