RMK: Front just before 1530z. Mod to hvy rain all day till it
ceased at 1630z. 20.3 mm since 0900z. That makes a total
of 39.5 mm for the event since rain started at 1415z yesterday,
so nothing to get very excited about here, at least not yet :-)
There was quite a stiff ENE breeze for a while this morning but
nothing more than Force 5. All-in-all we have escaped most
of the really nasty stuff. Max temp 10.8
Rain ceased around 15.30 and since 15.00 yesterday I've recorded 34mm, so
Nightmare at work as we had a lot of outside loading to do today, couldn't
have picked a worse day,
apart from most of the recent Summer days off course

Ah well there must be a month with below average rainfall soon surely???
Max 11.3c just a little warmer than yesterday!
Graham (North Staffs)