"Worst September storms for 30 years..."
On 26/09/12 07:55, David Allan wrote:
Just heard the weather of the last couple of days described on BBC radio as the "...worst September storms for 30 years...", which, if true, sort of answers my previous question of just how unusual is this sort of weather. Added to the year when we were crying 'drought' at the end of winter, experiencing 'summer' in spring, the dire weather that pervaded throughout the summer months, and now the worst September storms in 30 years. It's almost like a living nightmare of Daily Express front-page headlines!
Anyone like to hazzard a guess as to what might arrive on our doorsteps for the closing months of 2012?
Wasn't ex hurricane Iris in September 1995 more intense than this storm
we've just had (although much more localised to the far south and west I