Lawrence Jenkins wrote:
Gianna, your flowerpot men impersonation was spot on, lets go to San
Francisco. Yet I somehow feel others on this NG will soon grow tired of this
banter. There was once a Neil Young NG, but alas it is no more. If only we
could sail away, but where would we catch our breath? Maybe like fish
struggling up a polluted stream we could rest a while, and sway side by side
in that dappled shaft strewn sunlit water, as it beams glint and shine in
iridescent glimpses of light bouncing off ancient pebbles.
Like Richard Nixon, my beach just got too crowded for a stroll.
By the way what was that pot in your garden?
long story
My 'garden' is entirely covered with paving ... apart from that strip of
gravel. As it is a small area, it is probably for the best (I guess
fishermen in the 19th. Century could do without all the digging).
This gave rise to the question of where to put my rain gauge ... not
'in' the ground evidently, but also not at risk of being overturned.
So, take one large(ish) terracotta flower pot. Wrap base of gauge in
cooking foil, smooth down well and place in said pot. Fill space around
gauge with fence-post-type concrete.
When set, remove gauge, remove foil, replace gauge and position pot
where it will receive as much rain as possible (bearing in mind 'shadow'
cause by buildings etc.).
No noticeable loss by evaporation in hot weather, no noticeable freezing
of contents in cold weather (so far). Easily moved for maintenance (of
Sore toe if not looking where walking (hasn't happened), or sore dog if
it isn't looking.
There are lots of pots not seen by the webcam ... they contain plants
(including my olive tree ... sigh).
/long story