On 18/10/2012 18:49, Weatherlawyer wrote:
On Oct 18, 6:20 pm, "Dartmoor Will" wrote:
"Steve Jackson" wrote in message
Trembling at the thought of setting anthropogenic global warmers up against
the ever growing band of sceptics, I offer you this article on historical
warm periods from the past. It is worth a read, and I will offer it to my
students without comment, just to maintain a balanced view as ever!
I think that on the thousand year timescales there is a reasonable
expectation that certain lunar tidal range periodicities will play a
part. See for example the Keeling & Whorf PNAS papers. They are out of
fashion at the moment but I think they were onto something. I haven't
time to compare their model against these data at the moment.
In particular the 58 year and 93 year periodicity are both explicable in
terms of known sun-moon-earth configurations. Annoyingly there isn't
much at 54 years period which would be an obvious 3xSaros periodicity
(roughly same eclipse at about the same place on Earth).
Good for you Steve!
either way this digging up old tree trunks is a load of pigswill.
Ditto ice cores.
Not true.
It is actually a pretty good proxy for global temperature since the
stable isotope ratios in rain and the oceans vary according to the
amount of water locked up as permanent ice. Water vapour in the air is
preferentially light water. Several incredibly slow growing corals and
stalagtites are particularly good for this sort of analysis as well.
Can't expect a lying dittohead to understand science though.
Martin Brown