Still foggy and continuous drizzle. At my altitude vis. is oscillating
between 60 metres and 150 metres.
On the main B road higher up it is around 40 metres which is not giving any
problems with local traffic (one car every 5 minutes) moving nicely. Took a
stroll up and around Hay Tor at 450m asl and visibility there is around 20
metres with soaking drizzle. Great fun walking around in fog practising
basic navigation. Bit more of an east-ne breeze today and colder at +10.7C.
Probably another 24 hours of this making it a 96 hour spell of continuous
fog and drizzle with visibility often below 100 metres. Needless to say all
surfaces are soaking wet, including my hair (bloomin Bayston Hill weather
:-) ).
La la la la .........
Will Hand (Haytor, Devon, 1017 feet asl)