Haytor 25/10/12 (fog gone, drizzle stopped)
On Oct 25, 10:31*am, "Dartmoor Will"
La la la la .......
Fog has gone, drizzle has stopped but it is still cloudy, grey, misty and a
bit dark at 1025. Vis. is now a massive 5km at my altitude. Ground is drying
in the gusty F2-3 ENE wind. T11.2C RH 99%.
Can't wait to get to Nepal and the lovely cold, dry, low RH, air up there in
the himalayas at this time of year, just what I need :-)
Will Hand (Haytor, Devon, 1017 feet asl)
Sun out here in Wembury.
First since Sunday. Brisk mild easterly. 14 C.
Very nice.
Not looking forward to northerly air mass tomorrow.
Perhaps we can fend it off.
Len Wood
Wembury, SW Devon, 83 m asl