... showing up well on this series from Teesside (EGNV) airport (latest
at top): the third group is the surface wind, and the following group in
the top three are the variations: note the 040V250 of the 0950Z ob; wind
varying from 040 deg (i.e. from NE) to 250 deg (i.e. from WSW)
underneath a theoretical gradient flow of 270deg (or from the west).
Quite tricky for a/c on approach I would have thought- much stronger
winds above 500m or so .. see below.
EGNV 301020Z 16006KT 130V190 9999 SCT026 12/09 Q1018
EGNV 300950Z 15005KT 040V250 9999 SCT023 12/08 Q1018
EGNV 300920Z 23008KT 200V280 9999 SCT023 12/09 Q1018
EGNV 300850Z 25010KT 9999 SCT030 12/08 Q1018
EGNV 300820Z 26012KT 9999 SCT030 11/08 Q1018
EGNV 300750Z 25013KT 9999 FEW025 12/08 Q1018
EGNV 300720Z 23009KT 9999 FEW023 12/08 Q1018Boulmer midnight sounding
shows nearly 60kn at around 600m.
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