Lee wave - surface impacts NE England
"Martin Rowley" wrote
Quite tricky for a/c on approach [at Teesside] I would have thought- much
stronger winds above 500m or so .. see below.
I posted this earlier under the thread started by Ken Cook
Shows up beautifully on the reports from Leeming and Teesside airfields at
(more or less) the same time
EGXE 301000Z 23015G37KT
EGNV 300950Z 15005KT 040V250
Leeming (EGXE) has wind from 230° at 15 knots, gusting 37
Teesside (EGNV) has wind from 150° at 5 knots but variable in direction
between 040° and 250° (which in practice, means from any direction)
Landing at Teesside (which I used to do a lot in the past) would be quite
fun in those conditions. Probably a rotor effect giving quite a rough ride
and major attention to power settings on the approach. Oh the good old
days. Used to enjoy conditions like that! (Not so sure about the
passengers though)