[WR] Sunderland 05.11.12 Showery start, sunny spells and feeling cold...
Weather observation - Sunderland, Tyne & Wear 25m ASL
OS X (Eastings) 40944
OS Y (Northings) 54059
Lat (WGS84) N54:52:46 (54.879323)
Long (WGS84) W1:21:48 (-1.363282)
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Been away for a few days, so sorry for the lack of updates. Showery start to today, followed by sunny spells and feeling colder than the temperature would suggest... probably because I haven't hardened up yet after such a lovely summer!
Like the slightly extra daylight in the mornings, but coming home again in the dark is not welcome. Still, only about six weeks before the days begin to lengthen once more (always the optimist).
Regards... David Allan
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Current data for Ryhope Grange, Sunderland
05 November 2012 17:06
Temperature (°C):
Current 5.8
Trend (per hour) -0.9
Average today 4.7
Wind chill 5.8
Heat Index 5.8
Dew Point 3.1
Rel Humidity 83%
Wind (mph):
Current Gust 3.1 S
Average Speed 2.4 SSE
Rainfall (mm):
Current rate 0.0
Last hour 0.0
Total today 0.9
Total yesterday 0.0
Total this month 1.5
Pressure (mb):
Current 1010.5
Trend (per hour) +0.6