Jack Harrison wrote:
Just a word of caution.
is apparently perfectly legitimate.
However, the donate box does not require the usual confirmation "are you
sure you want to ....."
So for sake of argument you intend to contribute £10 and in error you add
an extra 0, too late, you will find you contributed £100 with no apparent
opportunity to correct your typo.
I didn't get caught out, but feel it is worth a warning (and before anyone
wonders, I didn't give a mere £10)
I saw many of such quick made so called 'charity' sites that seem to emerge
over the net these days, 'surfing' (sorry) on the aftershock of the
Most of them are false, I mean, they come from individuals that hope to
scoop a little amount of the huge amount of generosity money for
DO NOT BELIVE THEM, they will never refund official organizations that are
working over the place, they will keep the money for themselves, therefore
crooking you and the victims.
Instead, if you intend to help, go to OFFICIAL organisms, your local or
nationnal red cross antenna, the UN, and so on.