Friday, 31 December 2004
0700 WSW F4 4500 -DZ 3/ST 8/SC T101D078
0900 SW F4 8000 -RA 7/ST 8/SC T101D092
RMK: Precipitation (slight rain/-RA) just into that category - for most
of past couple of hours, drizzle the dominant PPN type. Cloud bases ST ~
1000ft, and SC ~ 1800ft.
screen min: 08.5 grass min: 06.8 precipitation: 0.2 ]
1000 WSW F4 20km - 4/CU 5/SC //CI T101D092
RMK: Just confirming dramatic change noted above - within 10 minutes of
that ob (i.e. by 0910Z), virtually all low cloud dispersed, leaving very
thin Ac fragments and no more than 5 oktas cirrus (CI .. mix of Ci unc &
spi); cloud re-built to current cumulus fractus/humilis, with very thin
Sc around 6000ft and cirrus above. Vis shot up to at least 20K .. could
be more, as rain ceased by 0915Z: however note that T/D unchanged! The
surface cold front appears to be way back across the Midlands, so
suspect some sort of upper feature clearing overhead.=
1200 WSW F4 25km - 2/CU 6/SC T112D082
RMK: Fine/strong sunshine occasionally coming through: total cover 6
oktas - the SC is thin/well-broken, the Cu in immediate vicinity is
shallow (Cu hum/fra), but there is a line of Cu mediocris to the distant
Martin Rowley: data via -
Bracknell (Wooden Hill/Tawfield), Berkshire
NGR: SU 854 667 Elev: 80m
Lat: 51DEG23MIN30SEC(N): Long: 00DEG46MIN28SEC(W)