[OBS] Romsey - Thursday 22nd November 2012
Rain in the air was first noticed at 2015Z and it has just become
moderate on this ob with the beginnings of a pressure kick. The
onset of the rain coincided with a further increase in the wind to
force 7 and wild sounding gusts of 47kt at 2018Z. There could
well be some tree debris evident in the morning.
SYNOP 22/1150Z
03/// 11575 61918 10133 20090 40115 58012 69911 70162 86831
333 85822 91031 90710 91136=
SYNOP 22/1450Z
03/// 42570 81921 10128 20080 40088 57027 888// 333 84825
88650 91035 90710 91140=
SYNOP 22/1750Z
03/// 12570 81923 10129 20078 40065 57023 69912 885// 333
10136 85625 88640 91035 90710 91141=
SYNOP 22/2050Z (current ob)
03/// 41550 82026 10124 20087 40051 55014 76262 885// 333
86620 88640 91039 90710 91147=
EG// 222050Z 20026G39KT 5000 RA BKN020 OVC040
12/09 Q//// WHT=
wind... SSW, force 6.
visibility... 5000m.
weather... overcast with moderate rain.
clouds... 6/8 Sc 2000ft, 8/8 Sc 4000ft.
dry bulb... +12.4C.
dew point... +8.7C.
RH... 78%.
sea level pressure... 1005.1mb (falling, now rising).
max temp today... +13.6C.
12 hour rainfall (0900-2100Z)... 0.1mm.
beaufort letters (1950-2050Z)... c,cro,cr.
Nigel (Romsey, Hampshire)
40m amsl