Rainfall total for the past 7 days is 98.5 mm. For the month of
November to date the total is 122.7 mm. This is bang on the ELTA
for the whole month so not an exceptional month here. The rainfall
total for the year to date is 1354.2 mm. That's 120% of the ELTA
for the whole year so it is certainly turning out to be a very wet year.
It has also been a very dull year. The sunshine total for the year
to date is only 858.6 hours so we might struggle to make 900 hours
for the whole year.
Not quite as wet here Norman but wet enough!
Was looking like a very dry month until the 20th.
85mm in the last 7 days, yet another month with over 100mm, that's now 6 out
of the last 8!!
Lots of flooding in Staffs.
Over a 1000mm for the year so far.............still a few wetter years since
it's ranked 3rd at the moment behind 2000 and 2008, still a month to go
Very dull here too, we are well short of 950 hours , we may struggle up to
1000 if were lucky
Graham (North Staffs)