[WR] Sunderland 03.12.12 Not cold enough for snow...
Weather observation - Sunderland, Tyne & Wear 25m ASL
OS X (Eastings) 40944
OS Y (Northings) 54059
Lat (WGS84) N54:52:46 (54.879323)
Long (WGS84) W1:21:48 (-1.363282)
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Don't know whether the rain that arrived during the night first fell as snow, but it had certainly turned to rain when I first looked out at 6.30am this morning. With the temperature only just above freezing, I won't be surprised if I encounter some white stuff a little further inland, away from the coast.
Regards... David Allan
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Current data for Ryhope Grange, Sunderland
03 December 2012 06:44
Temperature (°C):
Current 1.5
Trend (per hour) 0
Average today 1.4
Wind chill 1.5
Heat Index 1.5
Dew Point 0.2
Rel Humidity 91%
Wind (mph):
Current Gust 1.6 S
Average Speed 1.6 WSW
Rainfall (mm):
Current rate 0.0
Last hour 0.0
Total today 2.7
Total yesterday 0.0
Total this month 6.9
Pressure (mb):
Current 1002.1
Trend (per hour) -0.8