Op vrijdag 7 december 2012 22:56:01 UTC+1 schreef John Hall het volgende:
That's interesting. I was digging around on my own, and found this page:
According to this page:
http://www.ogimet.com/cgi-bin/gsynres?lang=en&ord=REV&ndays=30&ano=2012&mes=12&d ay=07&hora=18&ind=01384 Gardermoen is still reporting max and min temperatures
I think that simply shows the highest / lowest temperatures reported over the last 24 hours in the hourly (or less than hourly) synop reports from Oslo Gardermoen.
If you look here
http://tinyurl.com/d4v5axu you see there are no columns showing the 18.00 / 06.00 reported max. / min.
For Fornebu and Blindern, there a
Colin Youngs