In article ,
Colin Youngs writes:
Op vrijdag 7 december 2012 22:56:01 UTC+1 schreef John Hall het volgende:
That's interesting. I was digging around on my own, and found this page:
ND&isyn=&oaci=&nombre=Oslo&estado=Norway&Send=Se nd
According to this page:
Gardermoen is still reporting max and min temperatures
I think that simply shows the highest / lowest temperatures
reported over the last 24 hours in the hourly (or less than hourly)
synop reports from Oslo Gardermoen.
If you look here you see there are no
columns showing the 18.00 / 06.00 reported max. / min.
For Fornebu and Blindern, there a
Ah, I see. Thanks for the clarification.
John Hall
"Whenever people agree with me I always feel I must be wrong."
Oscar Wilde