Snow on Friday? please...
Dave Cornwell wrote:
Paul Freeman wrote:
Back in early September my 7 year old son was talking about the
seasons.....his attention turned to the upcoming winter.....he said
"Daddy, when will it snow this winter?". I plucked a date out of the
air and said "14th December".
I'd forgotten all about it, and so had he....until last week my wife
announced to me that she'd written it on the calender, and has since
shown me the evidence!
All I ask is for just a few flakes on Friday in South all looked so promising a few days ago....
Keep your eyes peeled the next couple of days if I were you and say your
wife wrote it down wrong in the calendar!
In fact I'd have a look out of the window NOW! - Although I guess that
might be rain on the radar not snow, at this stage.