giving weather talks in primary schools
On 13/12/2012 11:11, Scott W wrote:
Oh God! I've really done it now - the head of my daughters' primary
school wants me to go and talk to year 6 children about their weather
project - on the strength of my interest in the subject and that
parents keep asking about my weather station that recently went live
on the net. I've a few props - such as thermometers, rain gauge, an
old Oregon AWS, an old Meteosat Met Office image and rainfall of
England and Wales Met Office map.
I haven't agreed yet and am unsure if I have the authority to talk
about the subject - though I think they are looking for an amateur to
try and portray what sparked his interest in the subject - and
hopefully get kids interested too. Anyone on here done something
similar - tips gratefully received.
.... great to hear! Go for it. Don't go with too structured a plan: just
talk about your interest - the 'props' will help - youngsters like snow
(ask questions - what is snow, where does it come from etc.), rainbows
.... plenty to talk about there ... high wind (they go nuts in the
playground when it's a windy day - discuss why high winds sometimes and
not others) ... red sky etc., always good for a question and answer
session early on (get some dialogue going or it can quickly go flat) ...
prepare for the inevitable questions such as ... "my Dad says global
warming is rubbish": you may agree or disagree but at least it gives you
a lead in to talk about why the earth is naturally warmer than it would
be without all those gases floating about ... so what are the gases?
Water vapour .... gets forgotten ... basis of clouds, rain, fog, etc.
Year 6 (what's that? 10-ish?) can be on the edge of being tricky as
they've been around a bit and can be cynical but play the nutty weather
fanatic and you'll not go wrong :-) If you don't know, say so: 'cos many
things that kids ask about we don't know either!
West Moors / East Dorset
Lat: 50deg 49.25'N, Long: 01deg 53.05'W
Height (amsl): 17 m (56 feet)
COL category: C1 overall