giving weather talks in primary schools
Scott W wrote:
Oh God! I've really done it now - the head of my daughters' primary
school wants me to go and talk to year 6 children about their weather
project - on the strength of my interest in the subject and that
parents keep asking about my weather station that recently went live
on the net. I've a few props - such as thermometers, rain gauge, an
old Oregon AWS, an old Meteosat Met Office image and rainfall of
England and Wales Met Office map.
I haven't agreed yet and am unsure if I have the authority to talk
about the subject - though I think they are looking for an amateur to
try and portray what sparked his interest in the subject - and
hopefully get kids interested too. Anyone on here done something
similar - tips gratefully received.
I did the same thing many moons ago. Much more traumatic than presenting a
paper at a professional conference. One thing I learned is that the kids live
in a very black and white world so be careful what you say. I was trying to
emphasise a point and said something like
"Look at the weather we have today ..............."
and immediately half of them got up and went to the windows to look out!
Norman Lynagh
Tideswell, Derbyshire
303m a.s.l.