On Dec 13, 11:11*am, Scott W wrote:
Oh God! I've really done it now - the head of my daughters' primary
school wants me to go and talk to year 6 children about their weather
project - on the strength of my interest in the subject and that
parents keep asking about my weather station that recently went live
on the net. I've a few props - such as thermometers, rain gauge, an
old Oregon AWS, an old Meteosat Met Office image and rainfall of
England and Wales Met Office map.
I haven't agreed yet and am unsure if I have the authority to talk
about the subject - though I think they are looking for an amateur to
try and portray what sparked his interest in the subject - and
hopefully get kids interested too. Anyone on here done something
similar - tips gratefully received.
They love to look at instruments.
Start with the raingauge and get them to guess what it is and why it
is shaped as it is.
Get a dialogue going early.
I showed a group of 7 yr olds a used radiosonde once and explained how
it measured temperature as it went up.
One bright spark piped up 'Is that in the troposphere?' Not bad for a
7 yr old.
The metlink site may be useful.