[WR]19-20DEC2012 .. CNS rain past 24hour ....WestMoors/E.Dorset
.... Total rainfall standard rain-day 19th (i.e. 24hours to 0900GMT 20th)
= 39.8 mm. This is the third-highest 24hr total in our short record
(starts July 2007).
Rainfall 09-18Z = 7.8 mm
Rainfall 18-09Z =32.0 mm
Total for month = 83.3 mm, representing 80% of the 1981-2010 mean.
Total for the year = 1111 mm, representing 130% of 81-10 mean.
West Moors / East Dorset
Lat: 50deg 49.25'N, Long: 01deg 53.05'W
Height (amsl): 17 m (56 feet)
COL category: C1 overall