On Thursday, January 3, 2013 11:31:47 AM UTC, Martin Rowley wrote:
That's an interesting summary. 2012 rainfall % here was 118%, same as the average for Wales.
The tendency towards wetter conditions shows up in the Penzance averages:-
1961-1990 1140.0mm
1971-2000 1189.3mm
1981-2010 1219.6mm
Also getting warmer
1961-1990 11.1C
1971-2000 11.3C
1981-2010 11.6C
Though it's worth pointing out that Manleys average annual temperature for Penzance, based on the periods 1911-1920 & 1926-1949 was 11.5C.
Penzance where the cloud base is rather higher than forecast, above the tops of the hills on the Penwith moors. Good visibilty below the cloud