2012 stats ... provisional ... Met Office
Lawrence13 wrote:
I almost heard Roger Harriben on rdio four this morning with the sub
text yet again being AGW now making us all here in the UK
increasingly wetter than normal. As you rightfully say only 9 months
ago the UKMO forecast issued on the 23rd March 2012 was for april,
may amnd June to carry on the drought theme with below average
rainfall and that was something we needed to get used to due to AGW.
Seems no matter what happens its due to dangerous AGW?
Don't these people have any shame ?
In 10 years' time, taken in the context of that time frame, the very wet
2012 may indeed appear as a brief wet spell in a generally drying trend.
Or not, as the case may be, to quote Weatherlawyer.
It is all to easy to say that AGW has caused prolonged drought and that it
will continues and then when there is prolonged rain say that AGW has
caused that and that too is part of a trend for wetter conditions.
Of course you can also have the best of both worlds by saying that AGW
will lead to more 'extreme' conditions, i.e. more very dry years but also
more very wet ones, when considered on a long time scale of course.
Your mileage may vary, as they say......
Bolton, Lancashire
160m asl