We aim to gain 100,000 signatures on our e-petition over the next 12
months calling on Parliament to repeal the Climate Change Act. The
Climate Change Act is having huge social and economic consequences,
which MPs can no longer ignore.
The UK's climate and energy policies are too expensive, too ambitious,
too complex - and ineffective. The government's blind faith in
drastically reducing CO2 emissions will profit only a select group of
green companies and officials at the expense of everyone else. MPs
would do well to rethink these policies.
Britain's 'go it alone' decarbonisation policy will not stop the
climate from changing, but will increase:
fuel poverty,
the export of jobs to countries without climate legislation,
and prevent the economic recovery.
Patrons of the movement include:
Professor David Bellamy
Johnny Ball, broadcaster
Professor Robert (Bob) Carter
Lord Reay, House of Lords
this is supported by Piers Corbyn who said: "Totally desperate
distortions and brazen lies from the CO2 warmistas / BBC who will
continue to claim all extreme events, including the many we predict
using solar activity, are caused by CO2.. Politicians must be attacked
for following this lunatic sect – which must be destroyed.
We will have to mark the warmist propaganda machine lie by lie and
support all events by the Campaign Against the Climate Change Act** UK
and equivalents around the world” **