On 08/01/2013 08:52, Eskimo Will wrote:
"Graham P Davis" wrote in message
On Mon, 7 Jan 2013 22:43:38 -0000
"JT" wrote:
oh dear, time to follow Dave Cornwell
Don't let cretins like Cannon destroy USW, just kill-file them.
Trouble is Graham Goggle Groups users cannot do that!
I think Dave C uses Google.
Jim Cannon does and he doesn't know how to use UseNet either by not
referring back to previous posts.
Still if people wish to leave that is up to them, usenet will go on.
The kill-file is a very useful sanity-retaining tool, the only hiccough
is when a poster follows up a thread and, most reasonably, quotes
someone that resides in your kill-file... not worked out the answer to
that conundrum yet.
As an aside, I also read posts via Google on my Galaxy S3 phone. I've
searched for software to read UseNet on my smartphone but to no avail -
anyone else succeeded?
Wendy Tinley