Now Kill-files, Usenet and Smart Phones (hijack) :)
On Tue, 8 Jan 2013 17:08:18 -0000, Eskimo Will wrote:
Does Groundghog have a kill file facility? Is it free?
It's open source under the GPL so fairly sure it is free. I have it installed
so the playstore tells me that instead of "free" or a price. The fact I have
it installed is a reasonable indication it is free as I don't as a rule buy
Not sure it has a killfile, my killfile only has a bout 3 posters in it...
The snag is development seems to have stalled last version 14 Nov '10. Bt
being open source one could work on it and add killfile functionality. B-)
Plenty of other usenet clients out on the playstore. The key search word is
probably usenet rather than newsgroups. B-)
Cheers Dave.
Nr Garrigill, Cumbria. 421m ASL.