After his inexplicable omission from the New Year honours our newly
Canonized Dear Leader looks like he will be cleaning up the Temple
very very soon when his VERY IMPORTANT JANUARY FORECAST comes to pass
- the one that is about to severely embarrass the Met Office.
Subscribe NOW. You know it makes sense
Yet more Disciples today
On 09 Jan 2013, John Meakin wrote:
Here comes the cold to the UK! Telling forecast by the BBC's Ian
Ferguson. By this weekend they expect stiff easterly winds and
plunging temperatures with a wintry mix instead of rain. Ian also says
Met Office statistics for this weekend on how their forecast models
are doing are at record breaking low levels of confidence - a sure
sign they have got their models wrong. Next week the Met Office says
will be even colder. All this neatly coincides with Piers Corbyn's
long range forecast from the middle of December, if a bit later than
he thought. This link may not last very long - so
look quick if you are interested!
On 09 Jan 2013, emperorburger wrote:
Bought your forecast today. Totally amazing stuff and so much detail.
Really hoping your forecast becomes fact, and you are just a few days
out (the signs are already promising). The establishment have to be
shown the way. If the forecast hits, it's going to be epic!!
And his excellency is so very grateful
THANKS ALL for all these superb informed comments. I would say: ---
KEEP WATCHING and reporting these are very interesting times. I notice
standard Met is changing a lot and models disagreeing which is
something we warned would be the case. --- NEED I SAY to anyone who
hasnt to subscribe to forecasts B+I, USA, Eu (and note up to 4
individuals can share with close associates). --- RHYS, PHILIPPE,
ROSEBUD 1947, yes I 'know' I was born on the day of the thaw 10th
March. It is true 2013 - 3x22 =1947 and that is important and does
matter. However without commenting on the forecast the 22 yr
connection is 'fuzzy'. Take last summer which one might compare with
1946. For England and Wales rain the dryness order was Jun46 193/247.
Jul46 117/247 = mean position 155/247 so yes on the wet side of normal
but not catastrophically so as was 2012. Thanks Piers C