On Jan 12, 8:46*pm, Colin Youngs wrote:
Brussels on Saturday 12th January 2013
Quite sunny but cold for much of the day - some high and medium-level cloud in the morning. * Increasing high and medium-level cloud at the end of the afternoon and light snow since about 20.00 local time. * Thin covering now on grass, bushes and other vegetation in the garden: temperature about 0°C. * Light E to ESE wind.
Snow cover clearly visible on the Uccle webcam *http://www.meteo.be/meteo/view/en/15...cam+Uccle.html
Brussels Uccle * *2.6°C *- *overnight minimum * -3.2°C
Brussels Airport *1.4°C *- *overnight minimum * -3.0°C
Brussels Airport *http://weather.noaa.gov/weather/current/EBBR.html
Brussels Uccle Graphs *http://deus.irceline.be/~celinair/me...hp?lan=nl&sta=...
Rainfall radar *http://www.buienradar.nl/h.aspx?jaar...t=loop24uur1x1
OGIMET monthly summary for Brussels Uccle *http://tinyurl.com/aftpgnt
Webcam Grand-Place *http://www.brussels.be/artdet.cfm?id=4664&FMT=18
Colin Youngs
Snow on the ground is getting closer, so will the colder air be so as
Keith (Southend)