Bill Hayward wrote:
Col wrote:
"Bill Hayward" wrote in message
What a load of rubbish!
The Earth has been far warmer in the past and it didn't explode.
My understanding of the article is that it is the temperature of the
planet's core that is the cause for concern. The Earth may have been
warmer in the past but we do not know how warm the core was.
We can be pretty well assured that the Earth's deep core has always been
warmer in the past. The Earth is very gradually cooling down from its
originally molten state. The fact that it has not already long since
solidified is because of radioactive decay of various long lived
isotopes providing some internal heating. Their decay half lives mean
that there is less radioactive heating occurring in the core now than in
the past. And it is nothing remotely like a nuclear chain reaction.
Also a reply of 'What a load of rubbish!' is not really suitable for a
sci newsgroup. Maybe you should propose and post there.
That article is unfit for publication other than on a vanity website for
spurious pseudo science and completely off the wall.
TOTAL ******** still isn't rude enough to describe it adequately.
Never trust what you read on the web (or Usenet for that matter).
Martin Brown